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light show (伴隨搖擺舞音樂暗示迷幻效果的)光影閃爍表演。

light tracer

This world - class multi - media lighting show is complementing the spectacular victoria harbour night scene , using special interactive light and musical effects to showcase key buildings along the waterfront of victoria harbour . the show gives a new experience to our tourists 這項創新的多媒體燈光音樂匯演,結合香港美麗的維港夜景及最新的燈光設計和科技,為旅客提供全新的旅游體驗。

Now the raft was passing before the distant town . two or three glimmering lights showed where it lay , peacefully sleeping , beyond the vague vast sweep of star - gemmed water , unconscious of the tremendous event that was happening 兩三處燈火閃爍,顯示著鎮子的方位,它在星光點點,波光粼粼的河對岸,平靜而安詳地躺著,竟沒有察覺眼皮底下發生著怎樣驚人的一樁大事。

The amber light comes on while the red light is still on . you must stop or remain stationary but you may get ready to move across the junction or crossing when the green light shows , pro - vided that it is safe to do so 紅色燈號仍然亮著時,如果黃色燈號亮起,此時應停車,或繼續停止不動,但須準備在綠燈亮著時開車,安全情況下駛過路口或行人過路處。

A spectacular sound and light show of one huge flash and then a series of dull booms echoing across the plains marked the start of the american bombardment for those watching north of kabul last night 昨晚,我們佇立于喀布爾北方:在一道眩目的閃光和伴隨而來的一聲巨響之后,接連幾聲沉悶的爆炸回蕩在廣闊的平原上,這些標志著美國的空襲行動開始了。

I said , paddle ashore the first time a light showed , and tell them pap was behind , coming along with a trading - scow , and was a green hand at the business , and wanted to know how far it was to cairo 我說,不妨一見有燈光,便劃過去走上岸。不妨跟人家說,我爸爸在后邊坐著商船,馬上過來。還可以說,他做生意是個生手,想知道這兒離開羅還有多遠。

Media people were held in a reception area with a drink and watched a laser light show as the guests were served with roast suckling pig , marinated jellyfish , spring roll and fried sharks ' fin with crabmeat and egg 傳媒工作人員在一旁的招待處喝著水和看著激光表演而來賓則享用燒豬,腌水母,春卷和魚翅炒蟹肉及雞蛋。

Media people were held in a reception area with a drink and watched a laser light show as the guests were served with roast suckling pig , marinated jellyfish , spring roll and fried sharks fin with crabmeat and egg 傳媒工作人員在一旁的招待處喝著水和看著激光表演而來賓則享用燒豬,腌水母,春卷和魚翅炒蟹肉及雞蛋。

The fair ended very well and there was a closing party . we went to the first floor after the party where there was a rainbow light show which was created by a combination of light , music and water falling 珠寶展圓滿結束后,有一個落幕的茶會,茶會完畢時同修走到一樓,就在那時,有一場彩虹雨的表演正要開始。

Thousands of shooting stars provided a dazzling light show sunday that amazed veteran and novice stargazers alike as the leonid meteor shower made the moonless sky appear to rain light 11月19日凌晨獅子座流星雨如期而至,成千上萬顆流星將晴朗的夜空照耀的無比燦爛,讓新老天文愛好者嘆為觀止。

People venture there for its beautiful scenery , majestic vistas and to witness its spectacular light show virtually every night of the year . “ witnessing the northern lights is spectacular 人們冒險來到這里觀賞它美妙的景色、壯麗的風光,并親眼看看一年中幾乎每晚都會出現的極光奇觀。

The outcome is the light shows over the poles and sometimes the undesirable disruption of electrical power systems and telecommunications on earth and spacecraft in orbit 結果就是在磁極形成閃耀的光束,更糟糕的是,有時會造成地球上和軌道中太空船上的電力和無線電通訊系統的中斷。

People venture there for its beautiful scenery , majestic vistas and to witne its ectacular light show virtually every night of the year . “ witne ing the northern lights is ectacular 人們冒險來到這里觀賞它美妙的景色、壯麗的風光,并親眼看看一年中幾乎每晚都會出現的極光奇觀。

During the hours of darkness or in poor visibility , you must install a white light showing on each side of the front of the load and a red light showing at the rear of the load 1平方米大小的紅旗。如天色昏暗或能見度低,應在貨物前端兩旁亮著白燈,并在貨物后面亮著紅燈。

He knew that carrie was not there , not only because there was no light showing through the transom , but because the evening papers were stuck between the outside knob and the door 他知道嘉莉不在家,不僅因為門上的氣窗沒有透出燈光,而且晚報還塞在門外的把手和門之間。

The outcome is the light shows over the poles and sometimes the undesirable disruption of electrical power systems and telecommunications on earth and spacecraft in orbit 結果就出現了極光,有時候會對地球上電力系統和無線通信以及軌道上的航天飛船產生令人討厭的干擾。

The outcome is the light shows over the poles and sometimes the undesirable disruption of electrical power systems and telecommunications on earth and spacecraft in orbit 其結果是在地球極點上產生極光,有時還會使地球及其軌道飛船上的電力系統和通信系統受到意外中斷。

A magical sound and light show with a guinness world record . more than 30 buildings on both sides of the harbour dazzle your senses with their flourish of colour and sound 此為維港兩岸超過30幢大廈參與演出并獲金氏世界紀錄列為全球最大型的燈光音樂匯演。

Stone of the bile duct outside liver exceeds acoustic image in b stronger echo light shows to the group accompanies phonic photograph and can change along with the posture on the graph 肝外膽管結石在b超聲像圖上顯示較強回聲光團伴有聲影并可隨體位而變動。

The outcome is the light shows over the poles and sometimes the undesirable disruption of electrical power systems and telecommunication s on earth and spacecraft in orbit 導致產生極光,有時會對在軌道中運行的太空船的電力系統和通訊交流造成巨大的破壞。